I created this free PDF template for how to make a zine out of one sheet of paper. Since I first created this template in 2019, it’s been downloaded over 1,500 times by people all over the world.
—> How to Make a Zine template
—> Como Hacer Una Zine (guía en español traducido por Paola Ferate-Soto)
—> Come Fare Questa Zine (guida in italiano tradotto da Laura Bilanceri)
Quotes from people who have used the zine template
“We will use this to have 7th graders reflect on their year of learning.” “Using this for a cozy zine workshop.” “I'm going to use this in lgbt+ therapy groups to help clients celebrate themselves.” “I'm starting a small zine collection at the public library where I work. I'm hoping to encourage patrons to make their own zines.”
I published this zine under a Creative Commons license, so you're free to share them however you like as long as you provide attribution and don't use it for commercial use (don't sell them or use them for advertising). Please feel free to print them out to distribute, use in a class, or post online. People all over the world have used this template to make zines for their classrooms, libraries, and events.
Here’s a video from zinester Austin Kleon explaining how to fold a zine from one sheet of paper. No staples needed!
Feel free to download these, print them, and share them! Please just do not sell them or change them.
What I Learned from Top Surgery: Little tips from my top surgery (collab with my pal Nelle)
Ojai Jail Graffiti Zine (33 pages long)
FBI x KKK (Brief history of Cointelpro)
Zine of the Month Club
Want more zines in your life? Join my zine-of-the-month club. I snail mail a zine from me and a featured artist each month, along with bonus stickers, cards, and original art.
Want to buy a zine instead of getting one for free?
You can buy individual zines I’ve made on my shop page. If you’d like to support zine-making, please pitch in on Patreon. Thanks for the support!
Want to use zines for a class you’re teaching?
That’s great! Go ahead and download any of the zines on this page to use for free in your class, library, or workshop. You don’t need my permission.
Want me to lead a zine workshop?
I teach zine-making and comics-making workshops for groups of any age and size. If you’d like me to host a zine-making workshop for your school, library, or event, get in touch!